Functions | Variables
allfilters.c File Reference
#include "avfilter.h"
#include "filters.h"
#include "libavfilter/filter_list.c"

Go to the source code of this file.


const AVFilterav_filter_iterate (void **opaque)
 Iterate over all registered filters. More...
const AVFilteravfilter_get_by_name (const char *name)
 Get a filter definition matching the given name. More...


const FFFilter ff_af_aap
const FFFilter ff_af_abench
const FFFilter ff_af_acompressor
const FFFilter ff_af_acontrast
const FFFilter ff_af_acopy
const FFFilter ff_af_acue
const FFFilter ff_af_acrossfade
const FFFilter ff_af_acrossover
const FFFilter ff_af_acrusher
const FFFilter ff_af_adeclick
const FFFilter ff_af_adeclip
const FFFilter ff_af_adecorrelate
const FFFilter ff_af_adelay
const FFFilter ff_af_adenorm
const FFFilter ff_af_aderivative
const FFFilter ff_af_adrc
const FFFilter ff_af_adynamicequalizer
const FFFilter ff_af_adynamicsmooth
const FFFilter ff_af_aecho
const FFFilter ff_af_aemphasis
const FFFilter ff_af_aeval
const FFFilter ff_af_aexciter
const FFFilter ff_af_afade
const FFFilter ff_af_afftdn
const FFFilter ff_af_afftfilt
const FFFilter ff_af_afir
const FFFilter ff_af_aformat
const FFFilter ff_af_afreqshift
const FFFilter ff_af_afwtdn
const FFFilter ff_af_agate
const FFFilter ff_af_aiir
const FFFilter ff_af_aintegral
const FFFilter ff_af_ainterleave
const FFFilter ff_af_alatency
const FFFilter ff_af_alimiter
const FFFilter ff_af_allpass
const FFFilter ff_af_aloop
const FFFilter ff_af_amerge
const FFFilter ff_af_ametadata
const FFFilter ff_af_amix
const FFFilter ff_af_amultiply
const FFFilter ff_af_anequalizer
const FFFilter ff_af_anlmdn
const FFFilter ff_af_anlmf
const FFFilter ff_af_anlms
const FFFilter ff_af_anull
const FFFilter ff_af_apad
const FFFilter ff_af_aperms
const FFFilter ff_af_aphaser
const FFFilter ff_af_aphaseshift
const FFFilter ff_af_apsnr
const FFFilter ff_af_apsyclip
const FFFilter ff_af_apulsator
const FFFilter ff_af_arealtime
const FFFilter ff_af_aresample
const FFFilter ff_af_areverse
const FFFilter ff_af_arls
const FFFilter ff_af_arnndn
const FFFilter ff_af_asdr
const FFFilter ff_af_asegment
const FFFilter ff_af_aselect
const FFFilter ff_af_asendcmd
const FFFilter ff_af_asetnsamples
const FFFilter ff_af_asetpts
const FFFilter ff_af_asetrate
const FFFilter ff_af_asettb
const FFFilter ff_af_ashowinfo
const FFFilter ff_af_asidedata
const FFFilter ff_af_asisdr
const FFFilter ff_af_asoftclip
const FFFilter ff_af_aspectralstats
const FFFilter ff_af_asplit
const FFFilter ff_af_asr
const FFFilter ff_af_astats
const FFFilter ff_af_astreamselect
const FFFilter ff_af_asubboost
const FFFilter ff_af_asubcut
const FFFilter ff_af_asupercut
const FFFilter ff_af_asuperpass
const FFFilter ff_af_asuperstop
const FFFilter ff_af_atempo
const FFFilter ff_af_atilt
const FFFilter ff_af_atrim
const FFFilter ff_af_axcorrelate
const FFFilter ff_af_azmq
const FFFilter ff_af_bandpass
const FFFilter ff_af_bandreject
const FFFilter ff_af_bass
const FFFilter ff_af_biquad
const FFFilter ff_af_bs2b
const FFFilter ff_af_channelmap
const FFFilter ff_af_channelsplit
const FFFilter ff_af_chorus
const FFFilter ff_af_compand
const FFFilter ff_af_compensationdelay
const FFFilter ff_af_crossfeed
const FFFilter ff_af_crystalizer
const FFFilter ff_af_dcshift
const FFFilter ff_af_deesser
const FFFilter ff_af_dialoguenhance
const FFFilter ff_af_drmeter
const FFFilter ff_af_dynaudnorm
const FFFilter ff_af_earwax
const FFFilter ff_af_ebur128
const FFFilter ff_af_equalizer
const FFFilter ff_af_extrastereo
const FFFilter ff_af_firequalizer
const FFFilter ff_af_flanger
const FFFilter ff_af_haas
const FFFilter ff_af_hdcd
const FFFilter ff_af_headphone
const FFFilter ff_af_highpass
const FFFilter ff_af_highshelf
const FFFilter ff_af_join
const FFFilter ff_af_ladspa
const FFFilter ff_af_loudnorm
const FFFilter ff_af_lowpass
const FFFilter ff_af_lowshelf
const FFFilter ff_af_lv2
const FFFilter ff_af_mcompand
const FFFilter ff_af_pan
const FFFilter ff_af_replaygain
const FFFilter ff_af_rubberband
const FFFilter ff_af_sidechaincompress
const FFFilter ff_af_sidechaingate
const FFFilter ff_af_silencedetect
const FFFilter ff_af_silenceremove
const FFFilter ff_af_sofalizer
const FFFilter ff_af_speechnorm
const FFFilter ff_af_stereotools
const FFFilter ff_af_stereowiden
const FFFilter ff_af_superequalizer
const FFFilter ff_af_surround
const FFFilter ff_af_tiltshelf
const FFFilter ff_af_treble
const FFFilter ff_af_tremolo
const FFFilter ff_af_vibrato
const FFFilter ff_af_virtualbass
const FFFilter ff_af_volume
const FFFilter ff_af_volumedetect
const FFFilter ff_asrc_aevalsrc
const FFFilter ff_asrc_afdelaysrc
const FFFilter ff_asrc_afireqsrc
const FFFilter ff_asrc_afirsrc
const FFFilter ff_asrc_anoisesrc
const FFFilter ff_asrc_anullsrc
const FFFilter ff_asrc_flite
const FFFilter ff_asrc_hilbert
const FFFilter ff_asrc_sinc
const FFFilter ff_asrc_sine
const FFFilter ff_asink_anullsink
const FFFilter ff_vf_addroi
const FFFilter ff_vf_alphaextract
const FFFilter ff_vf_alphamerge
const FFFilter ff_vf_amplify
const FFFilter ff_vf_ass
const FFFilter ff_vf_atadenoise
const FFFilter ff_vf_avgblur
const FFFilter ff_vf_avgblur_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_avgblur_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_backgroundkey
const FFFilter ff_vf_bbox
const FFFilter ff_vf_bench
const FFFilter ff_vf_bilateral
const FFFilter ff_vf_bilateral_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_bitplanenoise
const FFFilter ff_vf_blackdetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_blackframe
const FFFilter ff_vf_blend
const FFFilter ff_vf_blend_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_blockdetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_blurdetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_bm3d
const FFFilter ff_vf_boxblur
const FFFilter ff_vf_boxblur_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_bwdif
const FFFilter ff_vf_bwdif_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_bwdif_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_cas
const FFFilter ff_vf_ccrepack
const FFFilter ff_vf_chromaber_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_chromahold
const FFFilter ff_vf_chromakey
const FFFilter ff_vf_chromakey_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_chromanr
const FFFilter ff_vf_chromashift
const FFFilter ff_vf_ciescope
const FFFilter ff_vf_codecview
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorbalance
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorchannelmixer
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorcontrast
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorcorrect
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorize
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorkey
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorkey_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorhold
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorlevels
const FFFilter ff_vf_colormap
const FFFilter ff_vf_colormatrix
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorspace
const FFFilter ff_vf_colorspace_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_colortemperature
const FFFilter ff_vf_convolution
const FFFilter ff_vf_convolution_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_convolve
const FFFilter ff_vf_copy
const FFFilter ff_vf_coreimage
const FFFilter ff_vf_corr
const FFFilter ff_vf_cover_rect
const FFFilter ff_vf_crop
const FFFilter ff_vf_cropdetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_cue
const FFFilter ff_vf_curves
const FFFilter ff_vf_datascope
const FFFilter ff_vf_dblur
const FFFilter ff_vf_dctdnoiz
const FFFilter ff_vf_deband
const FFFilter ff_vf_deblock
const FFFilter ff_vf_decimate
const FFFilter ff_vf_deconvolve
const FFFilter ff_vf_dedot
const FFFilter ff_vf_deflate
const FFFilter ff_vf_deflicker
const FFFilter ff_vf_deinterlace_qsv
const FFFilter ff_vf_deinterlace_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_dejudder
const FFFilter ff_vf_delogo
const FFFilter ff_vf_denoise_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_derain
const FFFilter ff_vf_deshake
const FFFilter ff_vf_deshake_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_despill
const FFFilter ff_vf_detelecine
const FFFilter ff_vf_dilation
const FFFilter ff_vf_dilation_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_displace
const FFFilter ff_vf_dnn_classify
const FFFilter ff_vf_dnn_detect
const FFFilter ff_vf_dnn_processing
const FFFilter ff_vf_doubleweave
const FFFilter ff_vf_drawbox
const FFFilter ff_vf_drawgraph
const FFFilter ff_vf_drawgrid
const FFFilter ff_vf_drawtext
const FFFilter ff_vf_edgedetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_elbg
const FFFilter ff_vf_entropy
const FFFilter ff_vf_epx
const FFFilter ff_vf_eq
const FFFilter ff_vf_erosion
const FFFilter ff_vf_erosion_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_estdif
const FFFilter ff_vf_exposure
const FFFilter ff_vf_extractplanes
const FFFilter ff_vf_fade
const FFFilter ff_vf_feedback
const FFFilter ff_vf_fftdnoiz
const FFFilter ff_vf_fftfilt
const FFFilter ff_vf_field
const FFFilter ff_vf_fieldhint
const FFFilter ff_vf_fieldmatch
const FFFilter ff_vf_fieldorder
const FFFilter ff_vf_fillborders
const FFFilter ff_vf_find_rect
const FFFilter ff_vf_flip_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_floodfill
const FFFilter ff_vf_format
const FFFilter ff_vf_fps
const FFFilter ff_vf_framepack
const FFFilter ff_vf_framerate
const FFFilter ff_vf_framestep
const FFFilter ff_vf_freezedetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_freezeframes
const FFFilter ff_vf_frei0r
const FFFilter ff_vf_fspp
const FFFilter ff_vf_fsync
const FFFilter ff_vf_gblur
const FFFilter ff_vf_gblur_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_geq
const FFFilter ff_vf_gradfun
const FFFilter ff_vf_graphmonitor
const FFFilter ff_vf_grayworld
const FFFilter ff_vf_greyedge
const FFFilter ff_vf_guided
const FFFilter ff_vf_haldclut
const FFFilter ff_vf_hflip
const FFFilter ff_vf_hflip_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_histeq
const FFFilter ff_vf_histogram
const FFFilter ff_vf_hqdn3d
const FFFilter ff_vf_hqx
const FFFilter ff_vf_hstack
const FFFilter ff_vf_hsvhold
const FFFilter ff_vf_hsvkey
const FFFilter ff_vf_hue
const FFFilter ff_vf_huesaturation
const FFFilter ff_vf_hwdownload
const FFFilter ff_vf_hwmap
const FFFilter ff_vf_hwupload
const FFFilter ff_vf_hwupload_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_hysteresis
const FFFilter ff_vf_iccdetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_iccgen
const FFFilter ff_vf_identity
const FFFilter ff_vf_idet
const FFFilter ff_vf_il
const FFFilter ff_vf_inflate
const FFFilter ff_vf_interlace
const FFFilter ff_vf_interleave
const FFFilter ff_vf_kerndeint
const FFFilter ff_vf_kirsch
const FFFilter ff_vf_lagfun
const FFFilter ff_vf_latency
const FFFilter ff_vf_lcevc
const FFFilter ff_vf_lenscorrection
const FFFilter ff_vf_lensfun
const FFFilter ff_vf_libplacebo
const FFFilter ff_vf_libvmaf
const FFFilter ff_vf_libvmaf_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_limitdiff
const FFFilter ff_vf_limiter
const FFFilter ff_vf_loop
const FFFilter ff_vf_lumakey
const FFFilter ff_vf_lut
const FFFilter ff_vf_lut1d
const FFFilter ff_vf_lut2
const FFFilter ff_vf_lut3d
const FFFilter ff_vf_lutrgb
const FFFilter ff_vf_lutyuv
const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedclamp
const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedmax
const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedmerge
const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedmin
const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedthreshold
const FFFilter ff_vf_maskfun
const FFFilter ff_vf_mcdeint
const FFFilter ff_vf_median
const FFFilter ff_vf_mergeplanes
const FFFilter ff_vf_mestimate
const FFFilter ff_vf_metadata
const FFFilter ff_vf_midequalizer
const FFFilter ff_vf_minterpolate
const FFFilter ff_vf_mix
const FFFilter ff_vf_monochrome
const FFFilter ff_vf_morpho
const FFFilter ff_vf_mpdecimate
const FFFilter ff_vf_msad
const FFFilter ff_vf_multiply
const FFFilter ff_vf_negate
const FFFilter ff_vf_nlmeans
const FFFilter ff_vf_nlmeans_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_nlmeans_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_nnedi
const FFFilter ff_vf_noformat
const FFFilter ff_vf_noise
const FFFilter ff_vf_normalize
const FFFilter ff_vf_null
const FFFilter ff_vf_ocr
const FFFilter ff_vf_ocv
const FFFilter ff_vf_oscilloscope
const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay
const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_qsv
const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_owdenoise
const FFFilter ff_vf_pad
const FFFilter ff_vf_pad_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_palettegen
const FFFilter ff_vf_paletteuse
const FFFilter ff_vf_perms
const FFFilter ff_vf_perspective
const FFFilter ff_vf_phase
const FFFilter ff_vf_photosensitivity
const FFFilter ff_vf_pixdesctest
const FFFilter ff_vf_pixelize
const FFFilter ff_vf_pixscope
const FFFilter ff_vf_pp
const FFFilter ff_vf_pp7
const FFFilter ff_vf_premultiply
const FFFilter ff_vf_prewitt
const FFFilter ff_vf_prewitt_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_procamp_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_program_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_pseudocolor
const FFFilter ff_vf_psnr
const FFFilter ff_vf_pullup
const FFFilter ff_vf_qp
const FFFilter ff_vf_qrencode
const FFFilter ff_vf_quirc
const FFFilter ff_vf_random
const FFFilter ff_vf_readeia608
const FFFilter ff_vf_readvitc
const FFFilter ff_vf_realtime
const FFFilter ff_vf_remap
const FFFilter ff_vf_remap_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_removegrain
const FFFilter ff_vf_removelogo
const FFFilter ff_vf_repeatfields
const FFFilter ff_vf_reverse
const FFFilter ff_vf_rgbashift
const FFFilter ff_vf_roberts
const FFFilter ff_vf_roberts_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_rotate
const FFFilter ff_vf_sab
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale
const FFFilter ff_vf_vpp_amf
const FFFilter ff_vf_sr_amf
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_npp
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_qsv
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_vt
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale2ref
const FFFilter ff_vf_scale2ref_npp
const FFFilter ff_vf_scdet
const FFFilter ff_vf_scharr
const FFFilter ff_vf_scroll
const FFFilter ff_vf_segment
const FFFilter ff_vf_select
const FFFilter ff_vf_selectivecolor
const FFFilter ff_vf_sendcmd
const FFFilter ff_vf_separatefields
const FFFilter ff_vf_setdar
const FFFilter ff_vf_setfield
const FFFilter ff_vf_setparams
const FFFilter ff_vf_setpts
const FFFilter ff_vf_setrange
const FFFilter ff_vf_setsar
const FFFilter ff_vf_settb
const FFFilter ff_vf_sharpen_npp
const FFFilter ff_vf_sharpness_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_shear
const FFFilter ff_vf_showinfo
const FFFilter ff_vf_showpalette
const FFFilter ff_vf_shuffleframes
const FFFilter ff_vf_shufflepixels
const FFFilter ff_vf_shuffleplanes
const FFFilter ff_vf_sidedata
const FFFilter ff_vf_signalstats
const FFFilter ff_vf_signature
const FFFilter ff_vf_siti
const FFFilter ff_vf_smartblur
const FFFilter ff_vf_sobel
const FFFilter ff_vf_sobel_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_split
const FFFilter ff_vf_spp
const FFFilter ff_vf_sr
const FFFilter ff_vf_ssim
const FFFilter ff_vf_ssim360
const FFFilter ff_vf_stereo3d
const FFFilter ff_vf_streamselect
const FFFilter ff_vf_subtitles
const FFFilter ff_vf_super2xsai
const FFFilter ff_vf_swaprect
const FFFilter ff_vf_swapuv
const FFFilter ff_vf_tblend
const FFFilter ff_vf_telecine
const FFFilter ff_vf_thistogram
const FFFilter ff_vf_threshold
const FFFilter ff_vf_thumbnail
const FFFilter ff_vf_thumbnail_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_tile
const FFFilter ff_vf_tiltandshift
const FFFilter ff_vf_tinterlace
const FFFilter ff_vf_tlut2
const FFFilter ff_vf_tmedian
const FFFilter ff_vf_tmidequalizer
const FFFilter ff_vf_tmix
const FFFilter ff_vf_tonemap
const FFFilter ff_vf_tonemap_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_tonemap_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_tpad
const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose
const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_npp
const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_vt
const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_trim
const FFFilter ff_vf_unpremultiply
const FFFilter ff_vf_unsharp
const FFFilter ff_vf_unsharp_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_untile
const FFFilter ff_vf_uspp
const FFFilter ff_vf_v360
const FFFilter ff_vf_vaguedenoiser
const FFFilter ff_vf_varblur
const FFFilter ff_vf_vectorscope
const FFFilter ff_vf_vflip
const FFFilter ff_vf_vflip_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_vfrdet
const FFFilter ff_vf_vibrance
const FFFilter ff_vf_vidstabdetect
const FFFilter ff_vf_vidstabtransform
const FFFilter ff_vf_vif
const FFFilter ff_vf_vignette
const FFFilter ff_vf_vmafmotion
const FFFilter ff_vf_vpp_qsv
const FFFilter ff_vf_vstack
const FFFilter ff_vf_w3fdif
const FFFilter ff_vf_waveform
const FFFilter ff_vf_weave
const FFFilter ff_vf_xbr
const FFFilter ff_vf_xcorrelate
const FFFilter ff_vf_xfade
const FFFilter ff_vf_xfade_opencl
const FFFilter ff_vf_xfade_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vf_xmedian
const FFFilter ff_vf_xpsnr
const FFFilter ff_vf_xstack
const FFFilter ff_vf_yadif
const FFFilter ff_vf_yadif_cuda
const FFFilter ff_vf_yadif_videotoolbox
const FFFilter ff_vf_yaepblur
const FFFilter ff_vf_zmq
const FFFilter ff_vf_zoompan
const FFFilter ff_vf_zscale
const FFFilter ff_vf_hstack_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_vstack_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_xstack_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_hstack_qsv
const FFFilter ff_vf_vstack_qsv
const FFFilter ff_vf_xstack_qsv
const FFFilter ff_vf_pad_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vf_drawbox_vaapi
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_allrgb
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_allyuv
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_cellauto
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_color
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_color_vulkan
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_colorchart
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_colorspectrum
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_coreimagesrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_ddagrab
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_frei0r_src
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_gradients
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_haldclutsrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_life
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_mandelbrot
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_mptestsrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_nullsrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_openclsrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_qrencodesrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_pal75bars
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_pal100bars
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_perlin
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_rgbtestsrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_sierpinski
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_smptebars
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_smptehdbars
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_testsrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_testsrc2
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_yuvtestsrc
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_zoneplate
const FFFilter ff_vsink_nullsink
const FFFilter ff_avf_a3dscope
const FFFilter ff_avf_abitscope
const FFFilter ff_avf_adrawgraph
const FFFilter ff_avf_agraphmonitor
const FFFilter ff_avf_ahistogram
const FFFilter ff_avf_aphasemeter
const FFFilter ff_avf_avectorscope
const FFFilter ff_avf_concat
const FFFilter ff_avf_showcqt
const FFFilter ff_avf_showcwt
const FFFilter ff_avf_showfreqs
const FFFilter ff_avf_showspatial
const FFFilter ff_avf_showspectrum
const FFFilter ff_avf_showspectrumpic
const FFFilter ff_avf_showvolume
const FFFilter ff_avf_showwaves
const FFFilter ff_avf_showwavespic
const FFFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth
const FFFilter ff_avsrc_avsynctest
const FFFilter ff_avsrc_amovie
const FFFilter ff_avsrc_movie
const FFFilter ff_asrc_abuffer
const FFFilter ff_vsrc_buffer
const FFFilter ff_asink_abuffer
const FFFilter ff_vsink_buffer

Variable Documentation

◆ ff_af_aap

const FFFilter ff_af_aap

Definition at line 318 of file af_aap.c.

◆ ff_af_abench

const FFFilter ff_af_abench

◆ ff_af_acompressor

const FFFilter ff_af_acompressor

◆ ff_af_acontrast

const FFFilter ff_af_acontrast

Definition at line 172 of file af_acontrast.c.

◆ ff_af_acopy

const FFFilter ff_af_acopy

Definition at line 56 of file af_acopy.c.

◆ ff_af_acue

const FFFilter ff_af_acue

◆ ff_af_acrossfade

const FFFilter ff_af_acrossfade

◆ ff_af_acrossover

const FFFilter ff_af_acrossover

Definition at line 620 of file af_acrossover.c.

◆ ff_af_acrusher

const FFFilter ff_af_acrusher

Definition at line 329 of file af_acrusher.c.

◆ ff_af_adeclick

const FFFilter ff_af_adeclick

Definition at line 781 of file af_adeclick.c.

◆ ff_af_adeclip

const FFFilter ff_af_adeclip

Definition at line 817 of file af_adeclick.c.

◆ ff_af_adecorrelate

const FFFilter ff_af_adecorrelate

Definition at line 234 of file af_adecorrelate.c.

◆ ff_af_adelay

const FFFilter ff_af_adelay

Definition at line 468 of file af_adelay.c.

◆ ff_af_adenorm

const FFFilter ff_af_adenorm

Definition at line 265 of file af_adenorm.c.

◆ ff_af_aderivative

const FFFilter ff_af_aderivative

Definition at line 163 of file af_aderivative.c.

◆ ff_af_adrc

const FFFilter ff_af_adrc

Definition at line 489 of file af_adrc.c.

◆ ff_af_adynamicequalizer

const FFFilter ff_af_adynamicequalizer

Definition at line 276 of file af_adynamicequalizer.c.

◆ ff_af_adynamicsmooth

const FFFilter ff_af_adynamicsmooth

Definition at line 124 of file af_adynamicsmooth.c.

◆ ff_af_aecho

const FFFilter ff_af_aecho

Definition at line 339 of file af_aecho.c.

◆ ff_af_aemphasis

const FFFilter ff_af_aemphasis

Definition at line 364 of file af_aemphasis.c.

◆ ff_af_aeval

const FFFilter ff_af_aeval

◆ ff_af_aexciter

const FFFilter ff_af_aexciter

Definition at line 268 of file af_aexciter.c.

◆ ff_af_afade

const FFFilter ff_af_afade

◆ ff_af_afftdn

const FFFilter ff_af_afftdn

Definition at line 1366 of file af_afftdn.c.

◆ ff_af_afftfilt

const FFFilter ff_af_afftfilt

Definition at line 442 of file af_afftfilt.c.

◆ ff_af_afir

const FFFilter ff_af_afir

Definition at line 780 of file af_afir.c.

◆ ff_af_aformat

const FFFilter ff_af_aformat

Definition at line 135 of file af_aformat.c.

◆ ff_af_afreqshift

const FFFilter ff_af_afreqshift

Definition at line 369 of file af_afreqshift.c.

◆ ff_af_afwtdn

const FFFilter ff_af_afwtdn

Definition at line 1304 of file af_afwtdn.c.

◆ ff_af_agate

const FFFilter ff_af_agate

◆ ff_af_aiir

const FFFilter ff_af_aiir

Definition at line 1563 of file af_aiir.c.

◆ ff_af_aintegral

const FFFilter ff_af_aintegral

Definition at line 176 of file af_aderivative.c.

◆ ff_af_ainterleave

const FFFilter ff_af_ainterleave

◆ ff_af_alatency

const FFFilter ff_af_alatency

◆ ff_af_alimiter

const FFFilter ff_af_alimiter

Definition at line 424 of file af_alimiter.c.

◆ ff_af_allpass

const FFFilter ff_af_allpass

◆ ff_af_aloop

const FFFilter ff_af_aloop

◆ ff_af_amerge

const FFFilter ff_af_amerge

Definition at line 344 of file af_amerge.c.

◆ ff_af_ametadata

const FFFilter ff_af_ametadata

◆ ff_af_amix

const FFFilter ff_af_amix

Definition at line 619 of file af_amix.c.

◆ ff_af_amultiply

const FFFilter ff_af_amultiply

Definition at line 172 of file af_amultiply.c.

◆ ff_af_anequalizer

const FFFilter ff_af_anequalizer

Definition at line 755 of file af_anequalizer.c.

◆ ff_af_anlmdn

const FFFilter ff_af_anlmdn

Definition at line 352 of file af_anlmdn.c.

◆ ff_af_anlmf

const FFFilter ff_af_anlmf

Definition at line 270 of file af_anlms.c.

◆ ff_af_anlms

const FFFilter ff_af_anlms

Definition at line 254 of file af_anlms.c.

◆ ff_af_anull

const FFFilter ff_af_anull

Definition at line 30 of file af_anull.c.

◆ ff_af_apad

const FFFilter ff_af_apad

Definition at line 197 of file af_apad.c.

◆ ff_af_aperms

const FFFilter ff_af_aperms

◆ ff_af_aphaser

const FFFilter ff_af_aphaser

Definition at line 259 of file af_aphaser.c.

◆ ff_af_aphaseshift

const FFFilter ff_af_aphaseshift

Definition at line 392 of file af_afreqshift.c.

◆ ff_af_apsnr

const FFFilter ff_af_apsnr

Definition at line 284 of file af_asdr.c.

◆ ff_af_apsyclip

const FFFilter ff_af_apsyclip

Definition at line 640 of file af_apsyclip.c.

◆ ff_af_apulsator

const FFFilter ff_af_apulsator

Definition at line 252 of file af_apulsator.c.

◆ ff_af_arealtime

const FFFilter ff_af_arealtime

◆ ff_af_aresample

const FFFilter ff_af_aresample

Definition at line 409 of file af_aresample.c.

◆ ff_af_areverse

const FFFilter ff_af_areverse

◆ ff_af_arls

const FFFilter ff_af_arls

Definition at line 284 of file af_arls.c.

◆ ff_af_arnndn

const FFFilter ff_af_arnndn

Definition at line 1599 of file af_arnndn.c.

◆ ff_af_asdr

const FFFilter ff_af_asdr

Definition at line 269 of file af_asdr.c.

◆ ff_af_asegment

const FFFilter ff_af_asegment

◆ ff_af_aselect

const FFFilter ff_af_aselect

◆ ff_af_asendcmd

const FFFilter ff_af_asendcmd

◆ ff_af_asetnsamples

const FFFilter ff_af_asetnsamples

Definition at line 105 of file af_asetnsamples.c.

◆ ff_af_asetpts

const FFFilter ff_af_asetpts

◆ ff_af_asetrate

const FFFilter ff_af_asetrate

Definition at line 114 of file af_asetrate.c.

◆ ff_af_asettb

const FFFilter ff_af_asettb

◆ ff_af_ashowinfo

const FFFilter ff_af_ashowinfo

Definition at line 244 of file af_ashowinfo.c.

◆ ff_af_asidedata

const FFFilter ff_af_asidedata

◆ ff_af_asisdr

const FFFilter ff_af_asisdr

Definition at line 299 of file af_asdr.c.

◆ ff_af_asoftclip

const FFFilter ff_af_asoftclip

Definition at line 476 of file af_asoftclip.c.

◆ ff_af_aspectralstats

const FFFilter ff_af_aspectralstats

Definition at line 611 of file af_aspectralstats.c.

◆ ff_af_asplit

const FFFilter ff_af_asplit

Definition at line 145 of file split.c.

◆ ff_af_asr

const FFFilter ff_af_asr

Definition at line 176 of file af_asr.c.

◆ ff_af_astats

const FFFilter ff_af_astats

Definition at line 959 of file af_astats.c.

◆ ff_af_astreamselect

const FFFilter ff_af_astreamselect

Definition at line 311 of file f_streamselect.c.

◆ ff_af_asubboost

const FFFilter ff_af_asubboost

Definition at line 241 of file af_asubboost.c.

◆ ff_af_asubcut

const FFFilter ff_af_asubcut

Definition at line 359 of file af_asupercut.c.

◆ ff_af_asupercut

const FFFilter ff_af_asupercut

Definition at line 336 of file af_asupercut.c.

◆ ff_af_asuperpass

const FFFilter ff_af_asuperpass

Definition at line 384 of file af_asupercut.c.

◆ ff_af_asuperstop

const FFFilter ff_af_asuperstop

Definition at line 398 of file af_asupercut.c.

◆ ff_af_atempo

const FFFilter ff_af_atempo

Definition at line 1179 of file af_atempo.c.

◆ ff_af_atilt

const FFFilter ff_af_atilt

Definition at line 249 of file af_atilt.c.

◆ ff_af_atrim

const FFFilter ff_af_atrim

◆ ff_af_axcorrelate

const FFFilter ff_af_axcorrelate

Definition at line 457 of file af_axcorrelate.c.

◆ ff_af_azmq

const FFFilter ff_af_azmq

◆ ff_af_bandpass

const FFFilter ff_af_bandpass

◆ ff_af_bandreject

const FFFilter ff_af_bandreject

◆ ff_af_bass

const FFFilter ff_af_bass

◆ ff_af_biquad

const FFFilter ff_af_biquad

◆ ff_af_bs2b

const FFFilter ff_af_bs2b

Definition at line 208 of file af_bs2b.c.

◆ ff_af_channelmap

const FFFilter ff_af_channelmap

Definition at line 447 of file af_channelmap.c.

◆ ff_af_channelsplit

const FFFilter ff_af_channelsplit

Definition at line 244 of file af_channelsplit.c.

◆ ff_af_chorus

const FFFilter ff_af_chorus

Definition at line 342 of file af_chorus.c.

◆ ff_af_compand

const FFFilter ff_af_compand

Definition at line 545 of file af_compand.c.

◆ ff_af_compensationdelay

const FFFilter ff_af_compensationdelay

Definition at line 169 of file af_compensationdelay.c.

◆ ff_af_crossfeed

const FFFilter ff_af_crossfeed

Definition at line 376 of file af_crossfeed.c.

◆ ff_af_crystalizer

const FFFilter ff_af_crystalizer

Definition at line 236 of file af_crystalizer.c.

◆ ff_af_dcshift

const FFFilter ff_af_dcshift

Definition at line 125 of file af_dcshift.c.

◆ ff_af_deesser

const FFFilter ff_af_deesser

Definition at line 197 of file af_deesser.c.

◆ ff_af_dialoguenhance

const FFFilter ff_af_dialoguenhance

Definition at line 220 of file af_dialoguenhance.c.

◆ ff_af_drmeter

const FFFilter ff_af_drmeter

Definition at line 200 of file af_drmeter.c.

◆ ff_af_dynaudnorm

const FFFilter ff_af_dynaudnorm

Definition at line 1023 of file af_dynaudnorm.c.

◆ ff_af_earwax

const FFFilter ff_af_earwax

Definition at line 239 of file af_earwax.c.

◆ ff_af_ebur128

const FFFilter ff_af_ebur128

Definition at line 1112 of file f_ebur128.c.

◆ ff_af_equalizer

const FFFilter ff_af_equalizer

◆ ff_af_extrastereo

const FFFilter ff_af_extrastereo

Definition at line 125 of file af_extrastereo.c.

◆ ff_af_firequalizer

const FFFilter ff_af_firequalizer

Definition at line 958 of file af_firequalizer.c.

◆ ff_af_flanger

const FFFilter ff_af_flanger

Definition at line 198 of file af_flanger.c.

◆ ff_af_haas

const FFFilter ff_af_haas

Definition at line 221 of file af_haas.c.

◆ ff_af_hdcd

const FFFilter ff_af_hdcd

Definition at line 1761 of file af_hdcd.c.

◆ ff_af_headphone

const FFFilter ff_af_headphone

Definition at line 779 of file af_headphone.c.

◆ ff_af_highpass

const FFFilter ff_af_highpass

◆ ff_af_highshelf

const FFFilter ff_af_highshelf

◆ ff_af_join

const FFFilter ff_af_join

Definition at line 598 of file af_join.c.

◆ ff_af_ladspa

const FFFilter ff_af_ladspa

Definition at line 813 of file af_ladspa.c.

◆ ff_af_loudnorm

const FFFilter ff_af_loudnorm

Definition at line 929 of file af_loudnorm.c.

◆ ff_af_lowpass

const FFFilter ff_af_lowpass

◆ ff_af_lowshelf

const FFFilter ff_af_lowshelf

◆ ff_af_lv2

const FFFilter ff_af_lv2

Definition at line 593 of file af_lv2.c.

◆ ff_af_mcompand

const FFFilter ff_af_mcompand

Definition at line 637 of file af_mcompand.c.

◆ ff_af_pan

const FFFilter ff_af_pan

Definition at line 419 of file af_pan.c.

◆ ff_af_replaygain

const FFFilter ff_af_replaygain

Definition at line 646 of file af_replaygain.c.

◆ ff_af_rubberband

const FFFilter ff_af_rubberband

Definition at line 208 of file af_rubberband.c.

◆ ff_af_sidechaincompress

const FFFilter ff_af_sidechaincompress

◆ ff_af_sidechaingate

const FFFilter ff_af_sidechaingate

◆ ff_af_silencedetect

const FFFilter ff_af_silencedetect

Definition at line 256 of file af_silencedetect.c.

◆ ff_af_silenceremove

const FFFilter ff_af_silenceremove

Definition at line 481 of file af_silenceremove.c.

◆ ff_af_sofalizer

const FFFilter ff_af_sofalizer

Definition at line 1091 of file af_sofalizer.c.

◆ ff_af_speechnorm

const FFFilter ff_af_speechnorm

Definition at line 593 of file af_speechnorm.c.

◆ ff_af_stereotools

const FFFilter ff_af_stereotools

Definition at line 382 of file af_stereotools.c.

◆ ff_af_stereowiden

const FFFilter ff_af_stereowiden

Definition at line 164 of file af_stereowiden.c.

◆ ff_af_superequalizer

const FFFilter ff_af_superequalizer

Definition at line 353 of file af_superequalizer.c.

◆ ff_af_surround

const FFFilter ff_af_surround

Definition at line 1513 of file af_surround.c.

◆ ff_af_tiltshelf

const FFFilter ff_af_tiltshelf

◆ ff_af_treble

const FFFilter ff_af_treble

◆ ff_af_tremolo

const FFFilter ff_af_tremolo

Definition at line 125 of file af_tremolo.c.

◆ ff_af_vibrato

const FFFilter ff_af_vibrato

Definition at line 169 of file af_vibrato.c.

◆ ff_af_virtualbass

const FFFilter ff_af_virtualbass

Definition at line 174 of file af_virtualbass.c.

◆ ff_af_volume

const FFFilter ff_af_volume

Definition at line 474 of file af_volume.c.

◆ ff_af_volumedetect

const FFFilter ff_af_volumedetect

Definition at line 125 of file af_volumedetect.c.

◆ ff_asrc_aevalsrc

const FFFilter ff_asrc_aevalsrc

◆ ff_asrc_afdelaysrc

const FFFilter ff_asrc_afdelaysrc

Definition at line 143 of file asrc_afdelaysrc.c.

◆ ff_asrc_afireqsrc

const FFFilter ff_asrc_afireqsrc

Definition at line 581 of file asrc_afirsrc.c.

◆ ff_asrc_afirsrc

const FFFilter ff_asrc_afirsrc

Definition at line 300 of file asrc_afirsrc.c.

◆ ff_asrc_anoisesrc

const FFFilter ff_asrc_anoisesrc

Definition at line 242 of file asrc_anoisesrc.c.

◆ ff_asrc_anullsrc

const FFFilter ff_asrc_anullsrc

Definition at line 123 of file asrc_anullsrc.c.

◆ ff_asrc_flite

const FFFilter ff_asrc_flite

Definition at line 353 of file asrc_flite.c.

◆ ff_asrc_hilbert

const FFFilter ff_asrc_hilbert

Definition at line 164 of file asrc_hilbert.c.

◆ ff_asrc_sinc

const FFFilter ff_asrc_sinc

Definition at line 424 of file asrc_sinc.c.

◆ ff_asrc_sine

const FFFilter ff_asrc_sine

Definition at line 301 of file asrc_sine.c.

◆ ff_asink_anullsink

const FFFilter ff_asink_anullsink

Definition at line 39 of file asink_anullsink.c.

◆ ff_vf_addroi

const FFFilter ff_vf_addroi

Definition at line 251 of file vf_addroi.c.

◆ ff_vf_alphaextract

const FFFilter ff_vf_alphaextract

◆ ff_vf_alphamerge

const FFFilter ff_vf_alphamerge

Definition at line 201 of file vf_alphamerge.c.

◆ ff_vf_amplify

const FFFilter ff_vf_amplify

Definition at line 274 of file vf_amplify.c.

◆ ff_vf_ass

const FFFilter ff_vf_ass

◆ ff_vf_atadenoise

const FFFilter ff_vf_atadenoise

Definition at line 564 of file vf_atadenoise.c.

◆ ff_vf_avgblur

const FFFilter ff_vf_avgblur

Definition at line 337 of file vf_avgblur.c.

◆ ff_vf_avgblur_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_avgblur_opencl

◆ ff_vf_avgblur_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_avgblur_vulkan

Definition at line 251 of file vf_avgblur_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_backgroundkey

const FFFilter ff_vf_backgroundkey

Definition at line 244 of file vf_backgroundkey.c.

◆ ff_vf_bbox

const FFFilter ff_vf_bbox

Definition at line 147 of file vf_bbox.c.

◆ ff_vf_bench

const FFFilter ff_vf_bench

◆ ff_vf_bilateral

const FFFilter ff_vf_bilateral

Definition at line 501 of file vf_bilateral.c.

◆ ff_vf_bilateral_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_bilateral_cuda

Definition at line 465 of file vf_bilateral_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_bitplanenoise

const FFFilter ff_vf_bitplanenoise

Definition at line 199 of file vf_bitplanenoise.c.

◆ ff_vf_blackdetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_blackdetect

Definition at line 247 of file vf_blackdetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_blackframe

const FFFilter ff_vf_blackframe

Definition at line 117 of file vf_blackframe.c.

◆ ff_vf_blend

const FFFilter ff_vf_blend

◆ ff_vf_blend_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_blend_vulkan

Definition at line 390 of file vf_blend_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_blockdetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_blockdetect

Definition at line 279 of file vf_blockdetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_blurdetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_blurdetect

Definition at line 363 of file vf_blurdetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_bm3d

const FFFilter ff_vf_bm3d

Definition at line 1045 of file vf_bm3d.c.

◆ ff_vf_boxblur

const FFFilter ff_vf_boxblur

Definition at line 300 of file vf_boxblur.c.

◆ ff_vf_boxblur_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_boxblur_opencl

◆ ff_vf_bwdif

const FFFilter ff_vf_bwdif

Definition at line 227 of file vf_bwdif.c.

◆ ff_vf_bwdif_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_bwdif_cuda

Definition at line 360 of file vf_bwdif_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_bwdif_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_bwdif_vulkan

Definition at line 328 of file vf_bwdif_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_cas

const FFFilter ff_vf_cas

Definition at line 268 of file vf_cas.c.

◆ ff_vf_ccrepack

const FFFilter ff_vf_ccrepack

Definition at line 90 of file vf_ccrepack.c.

◆ ff_vf_chromaber_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_chromaber_vulkan

Definition at line 252 of file vf_chromaber_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_chromahold

const FFFilter ff_vf_chromahold

Definition at line 409 of file vf_chromakey.c.

◆ ff_vf_chromakey

const FFFilter ff_vf_chromakey

Definition at line 368 of file vf_chromakey.c.

◆ ff_vf_chromakey_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_chromakey_cuda

Definition at line 483 of file vf_chromakey_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_chromanr

const FFFilter ff_vf_chromanr

Definition at line 292 of file vf_chromanr.c.

◆ ff_vf_chromashift

const FFFilter ff_vf_chromashift

Definition at line 398 of file vf_chromashift.c.

◆ ff_vf_ciescope

const FFFilter ff_vf_ciescope

Definition at line 1556 of file vf_ciescope.c.

◆ ff_vf_codecview

const FFFilter ff_vf_codecview

Definition at line 336 of file vf_codecview.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorbalance

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorbalance

Definition at line 433 of file vf_colorbalance.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorchannelmixer

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorchannelmixer

Definition at line 496 of file vf_colorchannelmixer.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorcontrast

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorcontrast

Definition at line 377 of file vf_colorcontrast.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorcorrect

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorcorrect

Definition at line 534 of file vf_colorcorrect.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorize

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorize

Definition at line 275 of file vf_colorize.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorkey

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorkey

◆ ff_vf_colorkey_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorkey_opencl

Definition at line 229 of file vf_colorkey_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorhold

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorhold

◆ ff_vf_colorlevels

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorlevels

Definition at line 560 of file vf_colorlevels.c.

◆ ff_vf_colormap

const FFFilter ff_vf_colormap

Definition at line 564 of file vf_colormap.c.

◆ ff_vf_colormatrix

const FFFilter ff_vf_colormatrix

Definition at line 484 of file vf_colormatrix.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorspace

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorspace

Definition at line 1040 of file vf_colorspace.c.

◆ ff_vf_colorspace_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_colorspace_cuda

Definition at line 421 of file vf_colorspace_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_colortemperature

const FFFilter ff_vf_colortemperature

Definition at line 383 of file vf_colortemperature.c.

◆ ff_vf_convolution

const FFFilter ff_vf_convolution

◆ ff_vf_convolution_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_convolution_opencl

◆ ff_vf_convolve

const FFFilter ff_vf_convolve

◆ ff_vf_copy

const FFFilter ff_vf_copy

Definition at line 72 of file vf_copy.c.

◆ ff_vf_coreimage

const FFFilter ff_vf_coreimage

Definition at line 620 of file vf_coreimage.m.

◆ ff_vf_corr

const FFFilter ff_vf_corr

Definition at line 420 of file vf_corr.c.

◆ ff_vf_cover_rect

const FFFilter ff_vf_cover_rect

Definition at line 235 of file vf_cover_rect.c.

◆ ff_vf_crop

const FFFilter ff_vf_crop

Definition at line 403 of file vf_crop.c.

◆ ff_vf_cropdetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_cropdetect

Definition at line 498 of file vf_cropdetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_cue

const FFFilter ff_vf_cue

◆ ff_vf_curves

const FFFilter ff_vf_curves

Definition at line 1011 of file vf_curves.c.

◆ ff_vf_datascope

const FFFilter ff_vf_datascope

Definition at line 454 of file vf_datascope.c.

◆ ff_vf_dblur

const FFFilter ff_vf_dblur

Definition at line 302 of file vf_dblur.c.

◆ ff_vf_dctdnoiz

const FFFilter ff_vf_dctdnoiz

Definition at line 815 of file vf_dctdnoiz.c.

◆ ff_vf_deband

const FFFilter ff_vf_deband

Definition at line 466 of file vf_deband.c.

◆ ff_vf_deblock

const FFFilter ff_vf_deblock

Definition at line 414 of file vf_deblock.c.

◆ ff_vf_decimate

const FFFilter ff_vf_decimate

Definition at line 453 of file vf_decimate.c.

◆ ff_vf_deconvolve

const FFFilter ff_vf_deconvolve

◆ ff_vf_dedot

const FFFilter ff_vf_dedot

Definition at line 385 of file vf_dedot.c.

◆ ff_vf_deflate

const FFFilter ff_vf_deflate

◆ ff_vf_deflicker

const FFFilter ff_vf_deflicker

Definition at line 460 of file vf_deflicker.c.

◆ ff_vf_deinterlace_qsv

const FFFilter ff_vf_deinterlace_qsv

◆ ff_vf_deinterlace_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_deinterlace_vaapi

Definition at line 420 of file vf_deinterlace_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_dejudder

const FFFilter ff_vf_dejudder

Definition at line 177 of file vf_dejudder.c.

◆ ff_vf_delogo

const FFFilter ff_vf_delogo

Definition at line 384 of file vf_delogo.c.

◆ ff_vf_denoise_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_denoise_vaapi

Definition at line 244 of file vf_misc_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_derain

const FFFilter ff_vf_derain

Definition at line 109 of file vf_derain.c.

◆ ff_vf_deshake

const FFFilter ff_vf_deshake

Definition at line 592 of file vf_deshake.c.

◆ ff_vf_deshake_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_deshake_opencl

Definition at line 2154 of file vf_deshake_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_despill

const FFFilter ff_vf_despill

Definition at line 159 of file vf_despill.c.

◆ ff_vf_detelecine

const FFFilter ff_vf_detelecine

Definition at line 374 of file vf_detelecine.c.

◆ ff_vf_dilation

const FFFilter ff_vf_dilation

◆ ff_vf_dilation_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_dilation_opencl

◆ ff_vf_displace

const FFFilter ff_vf_displace

Definition at line 413 of file vf_displace.c.

◆ ff_vf_dnn_classify

const FFFilter ff_vf_dnn_classify

Definition at line 296 of file vf_dnn_classify.c.

◆ ff_vf_dnn_detect

const FFFilter ff_vf_dnn_detect

Definition at line 855 of file vf_dnn_detect.c.

◆ ff_vf_dnn_processing

const FFFilter ff_vf_dnn_processing

Definition at line 370 of file vf_dnn_processing.c.

◆ ff_vf_doubleweave

const FFFilter ff_vf_doubleweave

Definition at line 229 of file vf_weave.c.

◆ ff_vf_drawbox

const FFFilter ff_vf_drawbox

◆ ff_vf_drawgraph

const FFFilter ff_vf_drawgraph

◆ ff_vf_drawgrid

const FFFilter ff_vf_drawgrid

◆ ff_vf_drawtext

const FFFilter ff_vf_drawtext

Definition at line 1918 of file vf_drawtext.c.

◆ ff_vf_edgedetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_edgedetect

Definition at line 255 of file vf_edgedetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_elbg

const FFFilter ff_vf_elbg

Definition at line 260 of file vf_elbg.c.

◆ ff_vf_entropy

const FFFilter ff_vf_entropy

Definition at line 178 of file vf_entropy.c.

◆ ff_vf_epx

const FFFilter ff_vf_epx

Definition at line 270 of file vf_epx.c.

◆ ff_vf_eq

const FFFilter ff_vf_eq

Definition at line 348 of file vf_eq.c.

◆ ff_vf_erosion

const FFFilter ff_vf_erosion

◆ ff_vf_erosion_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_erosion_opencl

◆ ff_vf_estdif

const FFFilter ff_vf_estdif

Definition at line 583 of file vf_estdif.c.

◆ ff_vf_exposure

const FFFilter ff_vf_exposure

Definition at line 145 of file vf_exposure.c.

◆ ff_vf_extractplanes

const FFFilter ff_vf_extractplanes

Definition at line 419 of file vf_extractplanes.c.

◆ ff_vf_fade

const FFFilter ff_vf_fade

Definition at line 563 of file vf_fade.c.

◆ ff_vf_feedback

const FFFilter ff_vf_feedback

Definition at line 328 of file vf_feedback.c.

◆ ff_vf_fftdnoiz

const FFFilter ff_vf_fftdnoiz

Definition at line 750 of file vf_fftdnoiz.c.

◆ ff_vf_fftfilt

const FFFilter ff_vf_fftfilt

Definition at line 595 of file vf_fftfilt.c.

◆ ff_vf_field

const FFFilter ff_vf_field

Definition at line 107 of file vf_field.c.

◆ ff_vf_fieldhint

const FFFilter ff_vf_fieldhint

Definition at line 326 of file vf_fieldhint.c.

◆ ff_vf_fieldmatch

const FFFilter ff_vf_fieldmatch

Definition at line 1076 of file vf_fieldmatch.c.

◆ ff_vf_fieldorder

const FFFilter ff_vf_fieldorder

Definition at line 181 of file vf_fieldorder.c.

◆ ff_vf_fillborders

const FFFilter ff_vf_fillborders

Definition at line 709 of file vf_fillborders.c.

◆ ff_vf_find_rect

const FFFilter ff_vf_find_rect

Definition at line 287 of file vf_find_rect.c.

◆ ff_vf_flip_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_flip_vulkan

Definition at line 292 of file vf_flip_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_floodfill

const FFFilter ff_vf_floodfill

Definition at line 406 of file vf_floodfill.c.

◆ ff_vf_format

const FFFilter ff_vf_format

◆ ff_vf_fps

const FFFilter ff_vf_fps

Definition at line 389 of file vf_fps.c.

◆ ff_vf_framepack

const FFFilter ff_vf_framepack

Definition at line 457 of file vf_framepack.c.

◆ ff_vf_framerate

const FFFilter ff_vf_framerate

Definition at line 435 of file vf_framerate.c.

◆ ff_vf_framestep

const FFFilter ff_vf_framestep

Definition at line 93 of file vf_framestep.c.

◆ ff_vf_freezedetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_freezedetect

Definition at line 208 of file vf_freezedetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_freezeframes

const FFFilter ff_vf_freezeframes

Definition at line 158 of file vf_freezeframes.c.

◆ ff_vf_frei0r

const FFFilter ff_vf_frei0r

Definition at line 428 of file vf_frei0r.c.

◆ ff_vf_fspp

const FFFilter ff_vf_fspp

Definition at line 658 of file vf_fspp.c.

◆ ff_vf_fsync

const FFFilter ff_vf_fsync

Definition at line 291 of file vf_fsync.c.

◆ ff_vf_gblur

const FFFilter ff_vf_gblur

Definition at line 317 of file vf_gblur.c.

◆ ff_vf_gblur_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_gblur_vulkan

Definition at line 378 of file vf_gblur_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_geq

const FFFilter ff_vf_geq

Definition at line 529 of file vf_geq.c.

◆ ff_vf_gradfun

const FFFilter ff_vf_gradfun

Definition at line 240 of file vf_gradfun.c.

◆ ff_vf_graphmonitor

const FFFilter ff_vf_graphmonitor

◆ ff_vf_grayworld

const FFFilter ff_vf_grayworld

Definition at line 300 of file vf_grayworld.c.

◆ ff_vf_greyedge

const FFFilter ff_vf_greyedge

Definition at line 728 of file vf_colorconstancy.c.

◆ ff_vf_guided

const FFFilter ff_vf_guided

Definition at line 489 of file vf_guided.c.

◆ ff_vf_haldclut

const FFFilter ff_vf_haldclut

◆ ff_vf_hflip

const FFFilter ff_vf_hflip

Definition at line 149 of file vf_hflip.c.

◆ ff_vf_hflip_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_hflip_vulkan

Definition at line 236 of file vf_flip_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_histeq

const FFFilter ff_vf_histeq

Definition at line 256 of file vf_histeq.c.

◆ ff_vf_histogram

const FFFilter ff_vf_histogram

◆ ff_vf_hqdn3d

const FFFilter ff_vf_hqdn3d

Definition at line 387 of file vf_hqdn3d.c.

◆ ff_vf_hqx

const FFFilter ff_vf_hqx

Definition at line 547 of file vf_hqx.c.

◆ ff_vf_hstack

const FFFilter ff_vf_hstack

◆ ff_vf_hsvhold

const FFFilter ff_vf_hsvhold

Definition at line 342 of file vf_hsvkey.c.

◆ ff_vf_hsvkey

const FFFilter ff_vf_hsvkey

Definition at line 300 of file vf_hsvkey.c.

◆ ff_vf_hue

const FFFilter ff_vf_hue

Definition at line 505 of file vf_hue.c.

◆ ff_vf_huesaturation

const FFFilter ff_vf_huesaturation

Definition at line 461 of file vf_huesaturation.c.

◆ ff_vf_hwdownload

const FFFilter ff_vf_hwdownload

Definition at line 195 of file vf_hwdownload.c.

◆ ff_vf_hwmap

const FFFilter ff_vf_hwmap

Definition at line 425 of file vf_hwmap.c.

◆ ff_vf_hwupload

const FFFilter ff_vf_hwupload

Definition at line 260 of file vf_hwupload.c.

◆ ff_vf_hwupload_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_hwupload_cuda

Definition at line 188 of file vf_hwupload_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_hysteresis

const FFFilter ff_vf_hysteresis

Definition at line 368 of file vf_hysteresis.c.

◆ ff_vf_iccdetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_iccdetect

Definition at line 129 of file vf_iccdetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_iccgen

const FFFilter ff_vf_iccgen

Definition at line 165 of file vf_iccgen.c.

◆ ff_vf_identity

const FFFilter ff_vf_identity

◆ ff_vf_idet

const FFFilter ff_vf_idet

Definition at line 468 of file vf_idet.c.

◆ ff_vf_il

const FFFilter ff_vf_il

Definition at line 191 of file vf_il.c.

◆ ff_vf_inflate

const FFFilter ff_vf_inflate

◆ ff_vf_interlace

const FFFilter ff_vf_interlace

Definition at line 618 of file vf_tinterlace.c.

◆ ff_vf_interleave

const FFFilter ff_vf_interleave

◆ ff_vf_kerndeint

const FFFilter ff_vf_kerndeint

Definition at line 299 of file vf_kerndeint.c.

◆ ff_vf_kirsch

const FFFilter ff_vf_kirsch

◆ ff_vf_lagfun

const FFFilter ff_vf_lagfun

Definition at line 221 of file vf_lagfun.c.

◆ ff_vf_latency

const FFFilter ff_vf_latency

◆ ff_vf_lcevc

const FFFilter ff_vf_lcevc

Definition at line 420 of file vf_lcevc.c.

◆ ff_vf_lenscorrection

const FFFilter ff_vf_lenscorrection

Definition at line 352 of file vf_lenscorrection.c.

◆ ff_vf_lensfun

const FFFilter ff_vf_lensfun

Definition at line 522 of file vf_lensfun.c.

◆ ff_vf_libplacebo

const FFFilter ff_vf_libplacebo

Definition at line 1449 of file vf_libplacebo.c.

◆ ff_vf_libvmaf

const FFFilter ff_vf_libvmaf

Definition at line 620 of file vf_libvmaf.c.

◆ ff_vf_libvmaf_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_libvmaf_cuda

◆ ff_vf_limitdiff

const FFFilter ff_vf_limitdiff

Definition at line 357 of file vf_limitdiff.c.

◆ ff_vf_limiter

const FFFilter ff_vf_limiter

Definition at line 233 of file vf_limiter.c.

◆ ff_vf_loop

const FFFilter ff_vf_loop

◆ ff_vf_lumakey

const FFFilter ff_vf_lumakey

Definition at line 187 of file vf_lumakey.c.

◆ ff_vf_lut

const FFFilter ff_vf_lut

◆ ff_vf_lut1d

const FFFilter ff_vf_lut1d

◆ ff_vf_lut2

const FFFilter ff_vf_lut2

Definition at line 567 of file vf_lut2.c.

◆ ff_vf_lut3d

const FFFilter ff_vf_lut3d

◆ ff_vf_lutrgb

const FFFilter ff_vf_lutrgb

◆ ff_vf_lutyuv

const FFFilter ff_vf_lutyuv

◆ ff_vf_maskedclamp

const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedclamp

Definition at line 309 of file vf_maskedclamp.c.

◆ ff_vf_maskedmax

const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedmax

Definition at line 325 of file vf_maskedminmax.c.

◆ ff_vf_maskedmerge

const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedmerge

Definition at line 305 of file vf_maskedmerge.c.

◆ ff_vf_maskedmin

const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedmin

Definition at line 309 of file vf_maskedminmax.c.

◆ ff_vf_maskedthreshold

const FFFilter ff_vf_maskedthreshold

Definition at line 298 of file vf_maskedthreshold.c.

◆ ff_vf_maskfun

const FFFilter ff_vf_maskfun

Definition at line 319 of file vf_maskfun.c.

◆ ff_vf_mcdeint

const FFFilter ff_vf_mcdeint

Definition at line 302 of file vf_mcdeint.c.

◆ ff_vf_median

const FFFilter ff_vf_median

Definition at line 273 of file vf_median.c.

◆ ff_vf_mergeplanes

const FFFilter ff_vf_mergeplanes

Definition at line 313 of file vf_mergeplanes.c.

◆ ff_vf_mestimate

const FFFilter ff_vf_mestimate

Definition at line 351 of file vf_mestimate.c.

◆ ff_vf_metadata

const FFFilter ff_vf_metadata

◆ ff_vf_midequalizer

const FFFilter ff_vf_midequalizer

Definition at line 368 of file vf_midequalizer.c.

◆ ff_vf_minterpolate

const FFFilter ff_vf_minterpolate

Definition at line 1255 of file vf_minterpolate.c.

◆ ff_vf_mix

const FFFilter ff_vf_mix

◆ ff_vf_monochrome

const FFFilter ff_vf_monochrome

Definition at line 283 of file vf_monochrome.c.

◆ ff_vf_morpho

const FFFilter ff_vf_morpho

Definition at line 1079 of file vf_morpho.c.

◆ ff_vf_mpdecimate

const FFFilter ff_vf_mpdecimate

Definition at line 240 of file vf_mpdecimate.c.

◆ ff_vf_msad

const FFFilter ff_vf_msad

◆ ff_vf_multiply

const FFFilter ff_vf_multiply

Definition at line 242 of file vf_multiply.c.

◆ ff_vf_negate

const FFFilter ff_vf_negate

Definition at line 358 of file vf_negate.c.

◆ ff_vf_nlmeans

const FFFilter ff_vf_nlmeans

Definition at line 475 of file vf_nlmeans.c.

◆ ff_vf_nlmeans_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_nlmeans_opencl

Definition at line 430 of file vf_nlmeans_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_nlmeans_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_nlmeans_vulkan

◆ ff_vf_nnedi

const FFFilter ff_vf_nnedi

Definition at line 1161 of file vf_nnedi.c.

◆ ff_vf_noformat

const FFFilter ff_vf_noformat

◆ ff_vf_noise

const FFFilter ff_vf_noise

Definition at line 336 of file vf_noise.c.

◆ ff_vf_normalize

const FFFilter ff_vf_normalize

Definition at line 513 of file vf_normalize.c.

◆ ff_vf_null

const FFFilter ff_vf_null

Definition at line 29 of file vf_null.c.

◆ ff_vf_ocr

const FFFilter ff_vf_ocr

Definition at line 131 of file vf_ocr.c.

◆ ff_vf_ocv

const FFFilter ff_vf_ocv

Definition at line 418 of file vf_libopencv.c.

◆ ff_vf_oscilloscope

const FFFilter ff_vf_oscilloscope

Definition at line 1132 of file vf_datascope.c.

◆ ff_vf_overlay

const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay

Definition at line 1004 of file vf_overlay.c.

◆ ff_vf_overlay_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_opencl

Definition at line 313 of file vf_overlay_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_overlay_qsv

const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_qsv

Definition at line 426 of file vf_overlay_qsv.c.

◆ ff_vf_overlay_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_vaapi

Definition at line 417 of file vf_overlay_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_overlay_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_vulkan

Definition at line 339 of file vf_overlay_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_overlay_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_overlay_cuda

Definition at line 582 of file vf_overlay_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_owdenoise

const FFFilter ff_vf_owdenoise

Definition at line 359 of file vf_owdenoise.c.

◆ ff_vf_pad

const FFFilter ff_vf_pad

Definition at line 457 of file vf_pad.c.

◆ ff_vf_pad_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_pad_opencl

Definition at line 383 of file vf_pad_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_palettegen

const FFFilter ff_vf_palettegen

Definition at line 576 of file vf_palettegen.c.

◆ ff_vf_paletteuse

const FFFilter ff_vf_paletteuse

Definition at line 1000 of file vf_paletteuse.c.

◆ ff_vf_perms

const FFFilter ff_vf_perms

◆ ff_vf_perspective

const FFFilter ff_vf_perspective

Definition at line 500 of file vf_perspective.c.

◆ ff_vf_phase

const FFFilter ff_vf_phase

Definition at line 220 of file vf_phase.c.

◆ ff_vf_photosensitivity

const FFFilter ff_vf_photosensitivity

Definition at line 309 of file vf_photosensitivity.c.

◆ ff_vf_pixdesctest

const FFFilter ff_vf_pixdesctest

Definition at line 119 of file vf_pixdesctest.c.

◆ ff_vf_pixelize

const FFFilter ff_vf_pixelize

Definition at line 341 of file vf_pixelize.c.

◆ ff_vf_pixscope

const FFFilter ff_vf_pixscope

Definition at line 734 of file vf_datascope.c.

◆ ff_vf_pp

const FFFilter ff_vf_pp

Definition at line 179 of file vf_pp.c.

◆ ff_vf_pp7

const FFFilter ff_vf_pp7

Definition at line 392 of file vf_pp7.c.

◆ ff_vf_premultiply

const FFFilter ff_vf_premultiply

◆ ff_vf_prewitt

const FFFilter ff_vf_prewitt

◆ ff_vf_prewitt_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_prewitt_opencl

◆ ff_vf_procamp_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_procamp_vaapi

Definition at line 242 of file vf_procamp_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_program_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_program_opencl

◆ ff_vf_pseudocolor

const FFFilter ff_vf_pseudocolor

Definition at line 1058 of file vf_pseudocolor.c.

◆ ff_vf_psnr

const FFFilter ff_vf_psnr

Definition at line 438 of file vf_psnr.c.

◆ ff_vf_pullup

const FFFilter ff_vf_pullup

Definition at line 753 of file vf_pullup.c.

◆ ff_vf_qp

const FFFilter ff_vf_qp

Definition at line 184 of file vf_qp.c.

◆ ff_vf_qrencode

const FFFilter ff_vf_qrencode

Definition at line 816 of file qrencode.c.

◆ ff_vf_quirc

const FFFilter ff_vf_quirc

Definition at line 167 of file vf_quirc.c.

◆ ff_vf_random

const FFFilter ff_vf_random

Definition at line 144 of file vf_random.c.

◆ ff_vf_readeia608

const FFFilter ff_vf_readeia608

Definition at line 541 of file vf_readeia608.c.

◆ ff_vf_readvitc

const FFFilter ff_vf_readvitc

Definition at line 232 of file vf_readvitc.c.

◆ ff_vf_realtime

const FFFilter ff_vf_realtime

◆ ff_vf_remap

const FFFilter ff_vf_remap

Definition at line 400 of file vf_remap.c.

◆ ff_vf_remap_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_remap_opencl

Definition at line 342 of file vf_remap_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_removegrain

const FFFilter ff_vf_removegrain

Definition at line 634 of file vf_removegrain.c.

◆ ff_vf_removelogo

const FFFilter ff_vf_removelogo

Definition at line 558 of file vf_removelogo.c.

◆ ff_vf_repeatfields

const FFFilter ff_vf_repeatfields

Definition at line 187 of file vf_repeatfields.c.

◆ ff_vf_reverse

const FFFilter ff_vf_reverse

◆ ff_vf_rgbashift

const FFFilter ff_vf_rgbashift

Definition at line 435 of file vf_chromashift.c.

◆ ff_vf_roberts

const FFFilter ff_vf_roberts

◆ ff_vf_roberts_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_roberts_opencl

◆ ff_vf_rotate

const FFFilter ff_vf_rotate

Definition at line 596 of file vf_rotate.c.

◆ ff_vf_sab

const FFFilter ff_vf_sab

Definition at line 311 of file vf_sab.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale

Definition at line 1230 of file vf_scale.c.

◆ ff_vf_vpp_amf

const FFFilter ff_vf_vpp_amf

Definition at line 248 of file vf_vpp_amf.c.

◆ ff_vf_sr_amf

const FFFilter ff_vf_sr_amf

Definition at line 171 of file vf_sr_amf.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_cuda

Definition at line 657 of file vf_scale_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale_npp

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_npp

Definition at line 1061 of file vf_scale_npp.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale_qsv

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_qsv

◆ ff_vf_scale_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_vaapi

Definition at line 309 of file vf_scale_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale_vt

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_vt

Definition at line 323 of file vf_scale_vt.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale_vulkan

Definition at line 429 of file vf_scale_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale2ref

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale2ref
Initial value:
= {
.p.name = "scale2ref",
.p.description = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format to the given reference."),
.p.priv_class = &scale2ref_class,
.preinit = preinit,
.init = init,
.uninit = uninit,
.priv_size = sizeof(ScaleContext),
.process_command = process_command,

Definition at line 1299 of file vf_scale.c.

◆ ff_vf_scale2ref_npp

const FFFilter ff_vf_scale2ref_npp
Initial value:
= {
.p.name = "scale2ref_npp",
.p.description = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("NVIDIA Performance Primitives video "
"scaling and format conversion to the "
"given reference."),
.p.priv_class = &nppscale_class,
.init = nppscale_init,
.uninit = nppscale_uninit,
.priv_size = sizeof(NPPScaleContext),

Definition at line 1108 of file vf_scale_npp.c.

◆ ff_vf_scdet

const FFFilter ff_vf_scdet

Definition at line 196 of file vf_scdet.c.

◆ ff_vf_scharr

const FFFilter ff_vf_scharr

◆ ff_vf_scroll

const FFFilter ff_vf_scroll

Definition at line 197 of file vf_scroll.c.

◆ ff_vf_segment

const FFFilter ff_vf_segment

◆ ff_vf_select

const FFFilter ff_vf_select

◆ ff_vf_selectivecolor

const FFFilter ff_vf_selectivecolor

Definition at line 476 of file vf_selectivecolor.c.

◆ ff_vf_sendcmd

const FFFilter ff_vf_sendcmd

◆ ff_vf_separatefields

const FFFilter ff_vf_separatefields

Definition at line 174 of file vf_separatefields.c.

◆ ff_vf_setdar

const FFFilter ff_vf_setdar

◆ ff_vf_setfield

const FFFilter ff_vf_setfield

◆ ff_vf_setparams

const FFFilter ff_vf_setparams

Definition at line 213 of file vf_setparams.c.

◆ ff_vf_setpts

const FFFilter ff_vf_setpts

◆ ff_vf_setrange

const FFFilter ff_vf_setrange

◆ ff_vf_setsar

const FFFilter ff_vf_setsar

◆ ff_vf_settb

const FFFilter ff_vf_settb

◆ ff_vf_sharpen_npp

const FFFilter ff_vf_sharpen_npp

Definition at line 259 of file vf_sharpen_npp.c.

◆ ff_vf_sharpness_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_sharpness_vaapi

Definition at line 257 of file vf_misc_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_shear

const FFFilter ff_vf_shear

Definition at line 310 of file vf_shear.c.

◆ ff_vf_showinfo

const FFFilter ff_vf_showinfo

Definition at line 922 of file vf_showinfo.c.

◆ ff_vf_showpalette

const FFFilter ff_vf_showpalette

Definition at line 115 of file vf_showpalette.c.

◆ ff_vf_shuffleframes

const FFFilter ff_vf_shuffleframes

Definition at line 150 of file vf_shuffleframes.c.

◆ ff_vf_shufflepixels

const FFFilter ff_vf_shufflepixels

Definition at line 443 of file vf_shufflepixels.c.

◆ ff_vf_shuffleplanes

const FFFilter ff_vf_shuffleplanes

Definition at line 159 of file vf_shuffleplanes.c.

◆ ff_vf_sidedata

const FFFilter ff_vf_sidedata

◆ ff_vf_signalstats

const FFFilter ff_vf_signalstats

Definition at line 830 of file vf_signalstats.c.

◆ ff_vf_signature

const FFFilter ff_vf_signature

Definition at line 746 of file vf_signature.c.

◆ ff_vf_siti

const FFFilter ff_vf_siti

Definition at line 331 of file vf_siti.c.

◆ ff_vf_smartblur

const FFFilter ff_vf_smartblur

Definition at line 304 of file vf_smartblur.c.

◆ ff_vf_sobel

const FFFilter ff_vf_sobel

◆ ff_vf_sobel_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_sobel_opencl

◆ ff_vf_split

const FFFilter ff_vf_split

Definition at line 134 of file split.c.

◆ ff_vf_spp

const FFFilter ff_vf_spp

Definition at line 491 of file vf_spp.c.

◆ ff_vf_sr

const FFFilter ff_vf_sr

Definition at line 188 of file vf_sr.c.

◆ ff_vf_ssim

const FFFilter ff_vf_ssim

Definition at line 588 of file vf_ssim.c.

◆ ff_vf_ssim360

const FFFilter ff_vf_ssim360

Definition at line 1748 of file vf_ssim360.c.

◆ ff_vf_stereo3d

const FFFilter ff_vf_stereo3d

Definition at line 1114 of file vf_stereo3d.c.

◆ ff_vf_streamselect

const FFFilter ff_vf_streamselect

Definition at line 299 of file f_streamselect.c.

◆ ff_vf_subtitles

const FFFilter ff_vf_subtitles

◆ ff_vf_super2xsai

const FFFilter ff_vf_super2xsai

Definition at line 352 of file vf_super2xsai.c.

◆ ff_vf_swaprect

const FFFilter ff_vf_swaprect

Definition at line 249 of file vf_swaprect.c.

◆ ff_vf_swapuv

const FFFilter ff_vf_swapuv

Definition at line 95 of file vf_swapuv.c.

◆ ff_vf_tblend

const FFFilter ff_vf_tblend

◆ ff_vf_telecine

const FFFilter ff_vf_telecine

Definition at line 323 of file vf_telecine.c.

◆ ff_vf_thistogram

const FFFilter ff_vf_thistogram

◆ ff_vf_threshold

const FFFilter ff_vf_threshold

Definition at line 282 of file vf_threshold.c.

◆ ff_vf_thumbnail

const FFFilter ff_vf_thumbnail

Definition at line 327 of file vf_thumbnail.c.

◆ ff_vf_thumbnail_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_thumbnail_cuda

Definition at line 439 of file vf_thumbnail_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_tile

const FFFilter ff_vf_tile

Definition at line 290 of file vf_tile.c.

◆ ff_vf_tiltandshift

const FFFilter ff_vf_tiltandshift

Definition at line 359 of file vf_tiltandshift.c.

◆ ff_vf_tinterlace

const FFFilter ff_vf_tinterlace

Definition at line 606 of file vf_tinterlace.c.

◆ ff_vf_tlut2

const FFFilter ff_vf_tlut2

◆ ff_vf_tmedian

const FFFilter ff_vf_tmedian

◆ ff_vf_tmidequalizer

const FFFilter ff_vf_tmidequalizer

Definition at line 425 of file vf_tmidequalizer.c.

◆ ff_vf_tmix

const FFFilter ff_vf_tmix

◆ ff_vf_tonemap

const FFFilter ff_vf_tonemap

Definition at line 308 of file vf_tonemap.c.

◆ ff_vf_tonemap_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_tonemap_opencl

Definition at line 539 of file vf_tonemap_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_tonemap_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_tonemap_vaapi

Definition at line 562 of file vf_tonemap_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_tpad

const FFFilter ff_vf_tpad

Definition at line 238 of file vf_tpad.c.

◆ ff_vf_transpose

const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose

Definition at line 410 of file vf_transpose.c.

◆ ff_vf_transpose_npp

const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_npp

Definition at line 469 of file vf_transpose_npp.c.

◆ ff_vf_transpose_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_opencl

Definition at line 275 of file vf_transpose_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_transpose_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_vaapi

Definition at line 275 of file vf_transpose_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_transpose_vt

const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_vt

Definition at line 279 of file vf_transpose_vt.c.

◆ ff_vf_transpose_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_transpose_vulkan

Definition at line 269 of file vf_transpose_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_trim

const FFFilter ff_vf_trim

◆ ff_vf_unpremultiply

const FFFilter ff_vf_unpremultiply

◆ ff_vf_unsharp

const FFFilter ff_vf_unsharp

Definition at line 397 of file vf_unsharp.c.

◆ ff_vf_unsharp_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_unsharp_opencl

Definition at line 399 of file vf_unsharp_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_untile

const FFFilter ff_vf_untile

Definition at line 179 of file vf_untile.c.

◆ ff_vf_uspp

const FFFilter ff_vf_uspp

Definition at line 552 of file vf_uspp.c.

◆ ff_vf_v360

const FFFilter ff_vf_v360

Definition at line 4998 of file vf_v360.c.

◆ ff_vf_vaguedenoiser

const FFFilter ff_vf_vaguedenoiser

Definition at line 596 of file vf_vaguedenoiser.c.

◆ ff_vf_varblur

const FFFilter ff_vf_varblur

Definition at line 400 of file vf_varblur.c.

◆ ff_vf_vectorscope

const FFFilter ff_vf_vectorscope

Definition at line 1590 of file vf_vectorscope.c.

◆ ff_vf_vflip

const FFFilter ff_vf_vflip

Definition at line 130 of file vf_vflip.c.

◆ ff_vf_vflip_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_vflip_vulkan

Definition at line 264 of file vf_flip_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_vfrdet

const FFFilter ff_vf_vfrdet

Definition at line 100 of file vf_vfrdet.c.

◆ ff_vf_vibrance

const FFFilter ff_vf_vibrance

Definition at line 435 of file vf_vibrance.c.

◆ ff_vf_vidstabdetect

const FFFilter ff_vf_vidstabdetect

Definition at line 204 of file vf_vidstabdetect.c.

◆ ff_vf_vidstabtransform

const FFFilter ff_vf_vidstabtransform

Definition at line 286 of file vf_vidstabtransform.c.

◆ ff_vf_vif

const FFFilter ff_vf_vif

Definition at line 630 of file vf_vif.c.

◆ ff_vf_vignette

const FFFilter ff_vf_vignette

Definition at line 330 of file vf_vignette.c.

◆ ff_vf_vmafmotion

const FFFilter ff_vf_vmafmotion

Definition at line 354 of file vf_vmafmotion.c.

◆ ff_vf_vpp_qsv

const FFFilter ff_vf_vpp_qsv

◆ ff_vf_vstack

const FFFilter ff_vf_vstack

◆ ff_vf_w3fdif

const FFFilter ff_vf_w3fdif

Definition at line 619 of file vf_w3fdif.c.

◆ ff_vf_waveform

const FFFilter ff_vf_waveform

Definition at line 3520 of file vf_waveform.c.

◆ ff_vf_weave

const FFFilter ff_vf_weave

Definition at line 207 of file vf_weave.c.

◆ ff_vf_xbr

const FFFilter ff_vf_xbr

Definition at line 416 of file vf_xbr.c.

◆ ff_vf_xcorrelate

const FFFilter ff_vf_xcorrelate

◆ ff_vf_xfade

const FFFilter ff_vf_xfade

Definition at line 2393 of file vf_xfade.c.

◆ ff_vf_xfade_opencl

const FFFilter ff_vf_xfade_opencl

Definition at line 433 of file vf_xfade_opencl.c.

◆ ff_vf_xfade_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vf_xfade_vulkan

Definition at line 712 of file vf_xfade_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vf_xmedian

const FFFilter ff_vf_xmedian

◆ ff_vf_xpsnr

const FFFilter ff_vf_xpsnr

Definition at line 714 of file vf_xpsnr.c.

◆ ff_vf_xstack

const FFFilter ff_vf_xstack

◆ ff_vf_yadif

const FFFilter ff_vf_yadif

Definition at line 325 of file vf_yadif.c.

◆ ff_vf_yadif_cuda

const FFFilter ff_vf_yadif_cuda

Definition at line 346 of file vf_yadif_cuda.c.

◆ ff_vf_yadif_videotoolbox

const FFFilter ff_vf_yadif_videotoolbox

◆ ff_vf_yaepblur

const FFFilter ff_vf_yaepblur

Definition at line 329 of file vf_yaepblur.c.

◆ ff_vf_zmq

const FFFilter ff_vf_zmq

◆ ff_vf_zoompan

const FFFilter ff_vf_zoompan

Definition at line 364 of file vf_zoompan.c.

◆ ff_vf_zscale

const FFFilter ff_vf_zscale

Definition at line 1133 of file vf_zscale.c.

◆ ff_vf_hstack_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_hstack_vaapi

◆ ff_vf_vstack_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_vstack_vaapi

◆ ff_vf_xstack_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_xstack_vaapi

◆ ff_vf_hstack_qsv

const FFFilter ff_vf_hstack_qsv

◆ ff_vf_vstack_qsv

const FFFilter ff_vf_vstack_qsv

◆ ff_vf_xstack_qsv

const FFFilter ff_vf_xstack_qsv

◆ ff_vf_pad_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_pad_vaapi

Definition at line 272 of file vf_pad_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vf_drawbox_vaapi

const FFFilter ff_vf_drawbox_vaapi

Definition at line 358 of file vf_drawbox_vaapi.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_allrgb

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_allrgb

◆ ff_vsrc_allyuv

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_allyuv

◆ ff_vsrc_cellauto

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_cellauto

Definition at line 322 of file vsrc_cellauto.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_color

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_color

◆ ff_vsrc_color_vulkan

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_color_vulkan

Definition at line 367 of file vsrc_testsrc_vulkan.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_colorchart

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_colorchart

◆ ff_vsrc_colorspectrum

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_colorspectrum

◆ ff_vsrc_coreimagesrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_coreimagesrc

Definition at line 641 of file vf_coreimage.m.

◆ ff_vsrc_ddagrab

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_ddagrab

Definition at line 1246 of file vsrc_ddagrab.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_frei0r_src

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_frei0r_src

Definition at line 517 of file vf_frei0r.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_gradients

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_gradients

Definition at line 446 of file vsrc_gradients.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_haldclutsrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_haldclutsrc

◆ ff_vsrc_life

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_life

Definition at line 447 of file vsrc_life.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_mandelbrot

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_mandelbrot

Definition at line 413 of file vsrc_mandelbrot.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_mptestsrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_mptestsrc

Definition at line 348 of file vsrc_mptestsrc.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_nullsrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_nullsrc

◆ ff_vsrc_openclsrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_openclsrc

◆ ff_vsrc_qrencodesrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_qrencodesrc

Definition at line 703 of file qrencode.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_pal75bars

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_pal75bars

◆ ff_vsrc_pal100bars

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_pal100bars

◆ ff_vsrc_perlin

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_perlin

Definition at line 163 of file vsrc_perlin.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_rgbtestsrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_rgbtestsrc

◆ ff_vsrc_sierpinski

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_sierpinski

Definition at line 214 of file vsrc_sierpinski.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_smptebars

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_smptebars

◆ ff_vsrc_smptehdbars

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_smptehdbars

◆ ff_vsrc_testsrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_testsrc

◆ ff_vsrc_testsrc2

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_testsrc2

◆ ff_vsrc_yuvtestsrc

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_yuvtestsrc

◆ ff_vsrc_zoneplate

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_zoneplate

◆ ff_vsink_nullsink

const FFFilter ff_vsink_nullsink

Definition at line 37 of file vsink_nullsink.c.

◆ ff_avf_a3dscope

const FFFilter ff_avf_a3dscope

Definition at line 338 of file avf_a3dscope.c.

◆ ff_avf_abitscope

const FFFilter ff_avf_abitscope

Definition at line 308 of file avf_abitscope.c.

◆ ff_avf_adrawgraph

const FFFilter ff_avf_adrawgraph

◆ ff_avf_agraphmonitor

const FFFilter ff_avf_agraphmonitor

◆ ff_avf_ahistogram

const FFFilter ff_avf_ahistogram

Definition at line 497 of file avf_ahistogram.c.

◆ ff_avf_aphasemeter

const FFFilter ff_avf_aphasemeter

Definition at line 431 of file avf_aphasemeter.c.

◆ ff_avf_avectorscope

const FFFilter ff_avf_avectorscope

Definition at line 489 of file avf_avectorscope.c.

◆ ff_avf_concat

const FFFilter ff_avf_concat

Definition at line 454 of file avf_concat.c.

◆ ff_avf_showcqt

const FFFilter ff_avf_showcqt

Definition at line 1601 of file avf_showcqt.c.

◆ ff_avf_showcwt

const FFFilter ff_avf_showcwt

Definition at line 1321 of file avf_showcwt.c.

◆ ff_avf_showfreqs

const FFFilter ff_avf_showfreqs

Definition at line 552 of file avf_showfreqs.c.

◆ ff_avf_showspatial

const FFFilter ff_avf_showspatial

Definition at line 324 of file avf_showspatial.c.

◆ ff_avf_showspectrum

const FFFilter ff_avf_showspectrum

◆ ff_avf_showspectrumpic

const FFFilter ff_avf_showspectrumpic

◆ ff_avf_showvolume

const FFFilter ff_avf_showvolume

Definition at line 505 of file avf_showvolume.c.

◆ ff_avf_showwaves

const FFFilter ff_avf_showwaves

◆ ff_avf_showwavespic

const FFFilter ff_avf_showwavespic

◆ ff_vaf_spectrumsynth

const FFFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth

Definition at line 542 of file vaf_spectrumsynth.c.

◆ ff_avsrc_avsynctest

const FFFilter ff_avsrc_avsynctest

Definition at line 399 of file src_avsynctest.c.

◆ ff_avsrc_amovie

const FFFilter ff_avsrc_amovie

◆ ff_avsrc_movie

const FFFilter ff_avsrc_movie

◆ ff_asrc_abuffer

const FFFilter ff_asrc_abuffer

Definition at line 603 of file buffersrc.c.

◆ ff_vsrc_buffer

const FFFilter ff_vsrc_buffer

Definition at line 582 of file buffersrc.c.

◆ ff_asink_abuffer

const FFFilter ff_asink_abuffer

Definition at line 560 of file buffersink.c.

◆ ff_vsink_buffer

const FFFilter ff_vsink_buffer

Definition at line 539 of file buffersink.c.

HW acceleration through CUDA.
Definition: pixfmt.h:260
static const AVFilterPad nppscale2ref_inputs[]
Definition: vf_scale_npp.c:1080
Definition: vf_scale.c:133
static const AVFilterPad avfilter_vf_scale2ref_outputs[]
Definition: vf_scale.c:1284
static const AVClass nppscale_class
Definition: vf_scale_npp.c:1037
#define FILTER_INPUTS(array)
Definition: filters.h:262
static const AVClass scale2ref_class
Definition: vf_scale.c:1261
static av_cold int preinit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Definition: af_aresample.c:49
static void nppscale_uninit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Definition: vf_scale_npp.c:438
#define FILTER_OUTPUTS(array)
Definition: filters.h:263
static const AVFilterPad nppscale2ref_outputs[]
Definition: vf_scale_npp.c:1093
Definition: vf_scale_npp.c:136
The filter is aware of hardware frames, and any hardware frame context should not be automatically pr...
Definition: filters.h:206
int(* init)(AVBSFContext *ctx)
Definition: dts2pts.c:368
Return NULL if CONFIG_SMALL is true, otherwise the argument without modification.
Definition: internal.h:94
static int process_command(AVFilterContext *ctx, const char *cmd, const char *args, char *res, int res_len, int flags)
Definition: af_acrusher.c:307
static void uninit(AVBSFContext *ctx)
Definition: pcm_rechunk.c:68
#define FILTER_QUERY_FUNC2(func)
Definition: filters.h:239
static av_cold int nppscale_init(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Definition: vf_scale_npp.c:302
static const AVFilterPad avfilter_vf_scale2ref_inputs[]
Definition: vf_scale.c:1271
#define FILTER_SINGLE_PIXFMT(pix_fmt_)
Definition: filters.h:252
static int query_formats(const AVFilterContext *ctx, AVFilterFormatsConfig **cfg_in, AVFilterFormatsConfig **cfg_out)
Definition: aeval.c:246